Frisco, Texas
“A Changeless Christ for a Changing World”
* Sunday Divine Service 9:30 AM where Jesus comes and serves us in Word and Sacrament(s).
* Advent and Lenten Vespers: 7:00 PM the Wednesdays during the weeks leading up to Christmas and Easter.
* Holy Week and Other Special Services: please see the church calendar for current schedule.
* Acolytes: boys who assist in each service by lighting the candles and helping with processions.
* Ushers: confirmed men who assist during services of worship with seating, distribution of bulletins, gathering
of the offering and ushering communicants to The Lord’s Table.
* Greeters: welcome people as they arrive to the church
* Altar Guild: prepare for and clean up after communion; maintain and change the altar paraments.
* Flowers: members may sign-up to provide flowers for the altar.
* Organist: accompanies liturgy and hymns; and prepares special music as needed.
* Choir Director and Choir: Come sing with us, the angels, and all the accompany of heaven!
* Church Website: our pastor’s sermons are available at www.sjlcfrisco.com
* Sunday School: after service, elementary age children sing parts of Luther’s Small Catechism to learn it by heart, and practice singing and playing instruments for special occasion, and have a Bible lesson. There are many opportunities for teachers, substitutes, and volunteers.
* Sunday Family Bible Class: each Sunday, taught by Pastor, following the Divine Service in the Sanctuary for all ages.
*Midweek Bible Class: Each Monday, 10:00 AM in the narthex of the church, taught by Pastor.
*Youth Catechism Class: A two-year program of instruction for youth, starting around 5th grade, leading toward confirmation and communicant membership. The primary textbooks are Scripture and Luther’s Small Catechism. For more information, speak with our pastor or Board of Elders.
* Adult Catechism Class: a 15-20 week class taught by Pastor, as needed, for all prospective new members, and can lead to confirmation for those not confirmed.
*Vacation Bible School: for Sunday school children in the summer; see church calendar for dates and specifics. Several volunteers are always needed to help teach, work with crafts, music, games, and meals or snacks.
Please see the constitution for specific positions and duties.
* St. John Ladies Society: Enjoy a time of fellowship and service making knitting and quilting projects for those in need.
* St. John Firearm Fellowship: After all, this is Texas 🙂 Join us for some fellowship at the range and some friendly competition.
* St. John Youth Group (coming soon!): See calendar for the current schedule. Volunteers and chaperones are always needed.
* Other Opportunities: there are always other opportunities for conferences and outings, check out our church calendar or weekly bulletin for upcoming events.
* Courtesy Driver: to aid those who cannot drive or are not capable of coming to worship on their own.
* Money Counters: count the offerings following services.
* Meals: provide meals for an individual or a family in times of need.
* Visiting our Homebound: Pastor takes the Word and Sacrament to our homebound members, but is also nice to have other members visit our homebound to chat and let them know that they are still apart of the congregation.
For further information or questions about any of these opportunities, please contact the church office,
congregational president or our pastor.