In May of 2014, several families asked Faith Lutheran Church in Plano to help start a mission in Frisco. These families wanted a church which uses the hymnal and is a faithful Lutheran Church.

The Elders at Faith decided to look into the possibility of starting a mission in Frisco. Financial assistance came from several outside sources and from various individuals. Pastor Kieser was available to preach and to lead the service on Sunday mornings. Pastor Woelmer was able to provide the ground work. A donor purchased hymnals, communion ware, a cross and other items. The Voters of Faith in Plano resolved to offer prayer, support and guidance for this new mission. The pieces came together.

The first worship service was Sunday, April 19, 2015 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Frisco. It was “Good Shepherd” Sunday. Pastor Kieser preached, led the service and administered the Lord’s Supper. There were 25 present.

In May of 2015, the worship service was moved to Holiday Inn Express 3400 Parkwood Blvd in Frisco. Those who attended decided to call the new mission, “St. John Lutheran Church.” A website was established and advertisement began in the local paper. Prospective members visited on a regular basis.

On Sunday, December 13, 2015, St. John Lutheran Church in Frisco held their “Charter Sunday.” They were recognized as a congregation and were officially received as a member of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod – Texas District. Pastor Kieser preached on the theme “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Phil 4:4). He talked about giving God all the glory for His work in establishing this new congregation. Pastor Woelmer led the liturgy and administered the Lord’s Supper. There were 44 present.

The first Voters’ meeting and election of officers took place on January 17, 2016 at John and Mary Junkers’ home. Our first pastor, Thomas Clinton Stark, was installed on October 30, 2016.

As of August 2017, our Elders and Church Council are now in the process of looking for a larger facility to rent to accommodate our growth. Additionally, the long-term hope is to purchase a permanent location. The Lord’s gracious will be done.

A note from our Pastor about St. John being successful.