In Christ, there is neither male nor female, but in this world, each has distinct God-given gifts and duties. At St. John, we honor and cherish women and their God-given gifts and duties in the home and congregation. The best thing women can do in a congregation is to be an example by faithfully hearing and learning God’s Word in worship and Bible class, learning the faith in the home, and being godly women in word and deed. After that follows serving in the congregation to support Word and Sacrament ministry. Below are some of the opportunities for women to be godly women at St. John:

“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” (Proverbs 31:26 ESV).

For her

Just like any family, our ladies are at the heart of St. John. Whether it's sharing the secret yumminess of Pam's famous homemade chocolate cake or knitting shawls for those in need, our ladies are the best and can't wait to get to know you.

Family centered

We also offer other opportunities periodically for adults, youth and children, such as: conferences, retreats, book clubs, monthly Bible studies, adult/children's choir, community service projects, elected and appointed leadership, Sunday school, and Vacation Bible School. See our Newsletter for current information.


Sunday Divine Service 9:30 AM where Jesus comes and serves us in Word and Sacrament(s).
- Advent and Lenten Vespers: 7:00 PM the Wednesdays during the weeks leading up to Christmas and Easter.
- Holy Week and Other Special Services: please see the church calendar for current schedule.
- Greeters: welcome people as they arrive to the church
- Altar Guild: prepare for and clean up after communion; maintain and change the altar paraments.
- Choir: Use your voice in service to the Word of the Lord in song.

Christian Education

Sunday Bible Class: each Sunday, taught by Pastor, following the Divine Service
- Wednesday Bible Class: 10:00 AM, taught by Pastor.
- Sunday School teacher: help teach our young children the faith under the direction of the pastor.
- Adult Catechism Class: a 15-20 week class taught by Pastor, as needed, for all prospective new members, and can lead to confirmation for those not confirmed.
- Other classes, retreats, and conferences.